Tag Archives: “MS Exchange”

Microsoft Exchange 2007 and 2010 – Messages Queued For Delivery Powershell Script

I’ve been getting into Powershell in a big way the past few months and have put together a script to display the number of queued messages on a Microsoft Exchange 2007 or Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server.  Under normal conditions your mail queue should really be empty most of the time so lots of queued messages is indicative of a problem.


$GETMQFD = Get-Counter ‘\MSExchangeTransport Queues(*)\Messages Queued For Delivery’

$MQFD = $GETMQFD.CounterSamples |Select-Object CookedValue

If ($MQFD.CookedValue | Where {$_ -eq 0})


Write-Host $MQFD.CookedValue Messages Queued for Delivery




Write-Host “No Messages Queued For Delivery”



If you are using a Server Monitoring package such as GFI Max Remote Management then you can insert Exit Codes (i.e. Exit 1 or Exit 0).  This is placed after the output (i.e. Write-Host “No Messages Queued For Delivery”) to generate an onscreen error or success if one of the two conditions is met.