Tag Archives: “.NET FRAMEWORK 4”

Mscoreei.dll – Revision History for Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Mscoreei.dll – Revision History for Microsoft .NET Framework 4

19-May-2011 – 4.0.30319.468 – Mscoreei.dll – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2533523 – Reliability Update 1 for the .NET Framework 4

19-Apr-2011 – 4.0.30319.457 – Mscoreei.dll – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2523525 – FIX: “8004E024” error code when you run a COM+ application that creates instances of COM+ services in the .NET Framework 4

28-Mar-2011 – 4.0.30319.448 – Mscoreei.dll – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2509818 – FIX: ICorDebug interface does not resolve the managed frames on all stacks for a mini-dump file in the .NET Framework 4

Mscorsvw.exe – Revision History for Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Mscorsvw.exe – Revision History for Microsoft .NET Framework 4

27-Jun-2011 – 4.0.30319.486 – Mscorsvw.exe – http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2571181 – FIX: Computer stops responding when the Mscorsvw.exe process starts in the .NET Framework 4

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.3 Beta Runtime Update

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0.3 Beta Runtime Update can now be obtained.

New features introduced in this update

  • SustainedLowLatency added to GCLatencyMode
  • Support running Workflows in partial trust
  • Enable WF messaging activities across multiple hosts
  • XLinq and DataAnnotations added to .NET Framework 4 Portable Class Libraries

You will also find multiple fixes introduced in this Beta Runtime Update, KB 2599651 lists the new features and fixes in more detail and also provides a download link for this new update.


Microsoft Windows may stop responding or respond very slowly when the .Net Framework 4 Optimization Service (Mscorsvw.exe) starts

The computer may stop responding or respond very slowly when the .Net Framework 4 Optimization Service (Mscorsvw.exe) starts. This issue effects the following operating systems: Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2003, SBS 2003, Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, SBS 2008 SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 and SBS 2011 SP1.

The issue occurs because the process sets its service configuration incorrectly.

A hotfix is available but must be requested from Microsoft using KB 2571181 http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2571181

Alternatively you can immediately download the hotfix from “thehotfixshare” website

Windows x86


Windows x64
