Category Archives: Outlook 2007

Microsoft Exchange 2013 Preview

Give the new Microsoft Exchange 2013 Preview a try, you can download it from the Technet Site using the link below

You will require one of the following operating systems to install the Exchange 2013 Preview:

  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with SP1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with SP1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter RTM or later

Exchange 2013 Preview allows you to use one of the following Microsoft Outlook or Microsoft Entourage clients:

  • Outlook 2013 (Preview)
  • Outlook 2010 SP1 (with April 2012 Cumulative Update)
  • Outlook 2007 SP3 (with July 2012 Cumulative Update)
  • Entourage 2008 for Mac (Web Services Edition)
  • Outlook  for Mac 2011

You will require one of the following operating systems to install the Exchange 2013 Management tools:

  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard with SP1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with SP1
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter RTM or later
  • 64-bit edition of Windows 8 Release Preview
  • 64-bit edition of Windows 7 with SP1

Microsoft Outlook Out of Office (OOF) – Server is Currently Unavailable

When you try and use the Out of Office feature in Microsoft Outlook you may recieve the following error message:

Your automatic reply settings cannot be displayed because the server is currently unavailable.  Try again later.







When you look at the Application Event Log on you Exchange Server you will see Event ID 1310 logged from Source ASP.NET 2.0.50727.0






Exception information:

Exception type: ConfigurationErrorsException

Exception message: The value for the property ‘maxRequestLength’ is not valid. The error is: The value must be inside the range 0-2097151. (C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\exchweb\EWS\web.config line 2376)

We need to modify the “web.config” file which can be found here “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\ClientAccess\exchweb\EWS\” you need to open the “web.config” file using Notepad and then use the “find” feature in notepad to quickly locate the following line in the file


<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=”52428800″ />

The default value is to high “52428800” so you need to change it as follows


<httpRuntime maxRequestLength=”2066661″ />

The final step in resolving the issue is to save the changes you have made to the “web.config” file and restarting the “Default Website” under IIS Manager (Administrative Tools)

Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Outlook 2010 do not archive messages as expected based on the received date instead it uses the modified date by default

Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Outlook 2010 do not archive messages as expected based on the received date instead it uses the modified date by default

The archiving features with Microsoft Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Outlook 2010 use the last modified date of an item rather than the sent or recieved date to determine if it should be archived.  This can become a real problem if you have recently moved some old messages to a new outlook folder or you have had to export and import messages using a PST file during a Microsoft Exchange Migration or when a user changes desktop computer or laptop.

To work around this issue you need to fully patch Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2010 and then apply the latest hotfixes for Outlook ased upon the service pack level, for example if you have Microsoft Office 2010 Service Pack 1 installed then please check that you apply Outlook 2010 hotfixes desinged for Office 2010 – Service Pack 1.

Once you have patched Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 you will have enabled support for the ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime DWORD Registry value, which in turn lets you switch from archive by last modified date to archive by received date.

To enable the switch in behaviour you simply need to add the following registry value dependant upon your version of Microsoft Outlook

Microsoft Outlook 2007

Navigate using regedit.exe to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Outlook\Preferences

Select to create a new DWORD Value and call it ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime

The value data of ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime should be set to 1 (This enables it)

Microsoft Outlook 2010

Navigate using regedit.exe to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Outlook\Preferences

Select to create a new DWORD Value and call it ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime

The value data of ArchiveIgnoreLastModifiedTime should be set to 1 (This enables it)

You have now turned on archiving by received date in Outlook 2007 or 2010 for the user that you are logged in as, please note that you will need to repeat this process whilst logged in as each user that requires archive by received date on this computer.

Outlook.exe – Pre Service Pack 4 Revision History for Microsoft Outlook 2007 SP3

Outlook.exe – Pre Service Pack 4 Revision History for Microsoft Outlook 2007 SP3

09-Jan-2013 – 12.0.6673.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): April 9, 2013

20-Oct-2012 – 12.0.6668.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): October 30, 2012

11-Jun-2012 – 12.0.6662.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): June 26, 2012

03-May-2012 – 12.0.6661.5003 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): April 24, 2012

29-Feb-2012 – 12.0.6658.5002 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): March 7, 2012

30-Nov-2011 – 12.0.6656.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp): December 13, 2011

30-Nov-2011 – 12.0.6656.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Outlook 2007 hotfix package (Outlook-x-none.msp, Outlook-en-us.msp): December 13, 2011

05-Oct-2011 – 12.0.6654.5000 – Outlook.exe – x86 – – Description of the Office Outlook 2007 hotfix package (outlook-x-none.msp): October 25, 2011